The Alamo Object Exporter, made by Petroglyph, lets you export 3D Studio Max objects and animations to .ALO and .ALA files.
To ensure that the exporter works properly, please make ensure the following prerequisites are met before installing and using the exporter:
This download is a compilation of exporter from various sources, for your convencience. The sources, and in what formats they export, is as follows:
The exporter consists of a single file, max2alamo.dle, which should be placed in the "plugins" directory in your 3ds Max installation.
To export the objects in a scene, use File > Export and select the "Alamo Object" file format.
The objects and animations in a scene have special properties, meaningful to the game engine, that can be set through the Alamo Utility panel. To open this panel, go to the Utilities panel, click "More" and double-click "Alamo Utility". You might want to use the "Configure Button Sets" button to place the Alamo Utility in the list for easy access. The panel is shown to the right.
These options are object-specific. This sub-panel always affects the currently selected object(s) only.
These buttons select all object in the scene that match the various properties. So clicking "Export Transform" will select all object with the "Export Transform" flag set, and so on.
All animations that should be exported have to be stored in this list. Each animation has a name and a start and end frame. Use the "<<", ">>", "Add" and "Del" buttons to change the current animation, add a new animation to the list or delete the current animation from the list.
To make the current 'active', i.e., shown in 3ds Max' time frame, click the "Display Current" button. To display a list of all animations, use the "Display All" button.